This invoice has been recalled by {{response.CompanyName}}. Click here to go to the most recent version!

Getting your Invoice...Please wait...

Hi, {{response.Forename}} {{response.Surname}}

There is a more recent version of this {{DocType}}!

FAO: {{response.Forename}} {{response.Surname}}

You've received an Invoice from {{response.CompanyName}}, {{invoice.InvoiceNumber}}
You've got a new {{DocumentTypeName ? DocumentTypeName : derivedLabels().DocumentLabel}} from {{response.CompanyName}}
You {{response.ResponseId === 1 ? 'Accepted' : (response.ResponseId === 2 ? 'Declined' : 'Queried')}} this {{DocType}}, {{quote.Description}}.
Status set by {{response.InternalStatusChangedByName}}
You've marked this invoice, {{invoice.InvoiceNumber}}, as paid.
Payment has been received.
You sent {{response.CompanyName}} a message about this {{DocType}}.
This is a partial invoice for the payment schedule: {{invoice.PaymentScheduleDescription}}
You've marked this invoice as paid.


Required Form Fields
Required Table Fields
{{table.tableDescription}} has {{table.requiredFields.length}} required fields
{{requiredMultiSignaturesCount}} Required Signature(s)
{{section.Description}} - {{countEmptySignaturesForSection(section)}}
{{signature.Forename | tokenReplace : this}} {{signature.Surname | tokenReplace : this}}