FAO: {{response.Forename}} {{response.Surname}}

You've received an Invoice from {{response.CompanyName}}, {{invoice.InvoiceNumber}}
You've got a new {{DocumentTypeName ? DocumentTypeName : derivedLabels().DocumentLabel}} from {{response.CompanyName}}
You {{response.ResponseId === 1 ? 'Accepted' : (response.ResponseId === 2 ? 'Declined' : 'Queried')}} this {{derivedLabels().DocumentLabel}}, {{quote.Description}}.
Status set by {{response.InternalStatusChangedByName}}
You've marked this invoice, {{invoice.InvoiceNumber}}, as paid.
Payment has been received.
You sent {{response.CompanyName}} a message about this {{DocType}}.
This is a partial invoice for the payment schedule: {{invoice.PaymentScheduleDescription}}
You've marked this invoice as paid.
You have {{optionCount}} optional items totalling {{quote.Currency ? quote.Currency.trim() : '£'}}{{optionTotal | number : 2}}

To select an optional item, go to the document and select the item. This will add it to your final costing. If the item allows you change quantities, type in the desired quantity in the box provided.

Hi, {{response.Forename}} {{response.Surname}}

There is a more recent version of this {{DocType}}!
Required Form Fields
Required Table Fields
{{table.tableDescription}} has {{table.requiredFields.length}} required fields
{{requiredSignatures.length}} Required Signature(s)
{{signature.Forename | tokenReplace : this}} {{signature.Surname | tokenReplace : this}}
{{requiredMultiSignaturesCount}} Required Signature(s)
{{section.Description}} - {{countEmptySignaturesForSection(section)}}
{{signature.Forename | tokenReplace : this}} {{signature.Surname | tokenReplace : this}}

Are you sure you want to select: {{selectedAction.description}}?